修練医Didik Prasetyo
My Name is dr. Didik Prasetyo, I am from Indonesia.
It is a wonderfull experience to be an awardee of JSGE Research Fellowship Program Award 2019. I was assigned to Niigata University, Uonuma Kikan Hospital in Urasa.
Urasa is a beautiful place, surrounded by mountains that look green. If you are in Urasa, you must taste how delicious rice and watermelon in here. Go to Uonuma Kikan Hospital from Urasa station we can walk or ride a bicycle accompanied by views of the rice fields.
Uonuma Kikan Hospital looks a large hospital, with a large parking lot and there is a helipad above it. When you go inside, it is clean, the situation is calm, cool. I was introduced to all the doctors and nurses in the gastroenterohepatology division and Prof. Takeshi Suda took me to meet with the director. I was very happy with everyone at the hospital, they were very friendly, smile and always help me. All of the patients are well served.
I live in an apartment close to the hospital, a comfortable, well-equipped residence and a good environment. Uonuma Kikan Hospital is close to a supermarket which makes it easy for us to buy our daily needs. People in Urasa are very friendly and very kind, I joined the watermelon festival and harvested rice, that are an extraordinary experience.
Thanks very much to JSGE, Uonuma Kikan Hospital, Prof. Takeshi Suda, Prof. Kazuyoshi Yagi, Dr. Shinichi Morita, Dr. Takahiro Hoshi and Dr. Satoshi Abe.

私の名前は、Didik Prasetyo です。インドネシアから来ました。
2019年日本消化器病学会 Research Fellowship Program Awardの受賞者になったことで、素敵な経験をしています。私は、浦佐の魚沼基幹病院で修練することになりました。